Saturday, January 26, 2013

The First Chapter - 020

It's not about the price of the car.
Neither is it about the specifications of the car that attracts me.

Rather, it's because this car has merely launch in Singapore for a month and he's already driving it. A coincidence that he's changing cars hence the decision to get this?

Can't be bothered since I won't have an answer to it.

Since I'm a fan of Initial D and being surrounded by "Ah Beng" friends who drives for the sake of racing, Evo 9 was already in my lookout before its launch.

And red cars are always my favorite. No questions asked.

As I open the door and get myself seated inside this red Evo 9, tons of questions flood my mind.

"Is he gonna expect me to give him a blowjob here?"

"Where is he bringing me to eat? Why the need to go shop for new clothes?"

"His car is really new. I can still smell the leather from the seats. And there's no cushion or anything feminine that hangs around! No girlfriend or because he's a playboy?"

"What is he going to do?"

"Why take so long to be at the car boot and not coming in to start the car engine yet? Maybe he's got a whole car boot filled with BDSM stuffs!?"

"Fasten your seat belt, Au-drey."

His sudden words wakes me up from my daydreaming. I fasten the seat belt while he started driving off.

I don't dare to speak a word throughout the journey. It's kinda weird because I don't even know who is he. Then I remembered, there's something which I must know.

I have to ask him about this.


"Lawrence, not er." he interrupt even before I can say anything.


He smiled the moment I said that.

On a closer look, this guy does look good when he smiles.

"Lawrence, mind if I ask you something?" I looked at him while he concentrate on his driving. Rich people certainly don't thrift like the poor. Even his shades is one expensive pair.

"Haha, shoot."

I look down and hesitate for a while.

"On the night at the KTV..."

"Get down, we're here."

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